

The server version of qweb includes a directive dedicated specifically to formatting and rendering field values from browse_record objects.

The directive is implemented through render_tag_field() on the ir.qweb openerp object, and generally delegates to converters for rendering. These converters are obtained through get_converter_for().

By default, the key for obtaining a converter is the type of the field’s column, but this can be overridden by providing a widget as field option.

Field options are specified through t-field-options, which must be a JSON object (map). Custom widgets may define their own (possibly mandatory) options.

Global options

A global option html-escape is provided. It defaults to True, and for many (not all) fields it determines whether the field’s output will be html-escaped before being output.

Date and datetime converters

The default rendering for date and datetime fields. They render the field’s value according to the current user’s lang.date_format and lang.time_format. The datetime converter will also localize the value to the user’s timezone (as defined by the tz context key, or the timezone in the user’s profile if there is no tz key in the context).

A custom format can be provided to use a non-default rendering. The custom format uses the format options key, and uses the ldml date format patterns [1].

For instance if one wanted a date field to be rendered as “(month) (day of month)” rather than whatever the default is, one could use:

<span t-field="object.datefield" t-field-options='{"format": "MMMM d"}'/>

Monetary converter (widget: monetary)

Used to format and render monetary value, requires a display_currency options value which is a path from the rendering context to a res.currency object. This object is used to set the right currency symbol, and set it at the right position relative to the formatted value.

The field itself should be a float field.

Relative Datetime (widget: relative)

Used on a datetime field, formats it relatively to the current time (datetime.now()), e.g. if the field’s value is 3 hours before now and the user’s lang is english, it will render to 3 hours ago.


this field uses babel’s format_timedelta more or less directly and will only display the biggest unit and round up at 85% e.g. 1 hour 15 minutes will be rendered as 1 hour, and 55 minutes will also be rendered as 1 hour.


this converter requires babel 1.0 or more recent.

Duration (widget: duration)

Renders a duration defined as a float to a human-readable localized string, e.g. 1.5 as hours in an english locale will be rendered to 1 hour 30 minutes.

Requires a unit option which may be one of second, minute, hour, day, week, month or year. This specifies the unit in which the value should be interpreted before formatting.

The duration must be a positive number, and no rounding is applied.

[1]in part because babel is used for rendering, as strftime would require altering the process’s locale on the fly in order to get correctly localized date and time output. Babel uses the CLDR as its core and thus uses LDML date format patterns.